Thursday, 20 November 2014

First Test Shots

Here is the first edited cut of my first test shots.  They're not in any particular order and don't follow any storyboard; they're just test shots that I've done to become accustomed to using the camera, editing software, and to see how well some of my ideas work and how they can be improved.  I learned a lot in the making of this and identified quite a few obstacles that I need to overcome while both filming and editing.

What I've learnt

  • Shooting at a high frame rate requires good lighting because in low light conditions, there are bars that move down the screen. 
  • It's nearly impossible to achieve a smooth shot without a track, tripod or a dolly.  I tried to create a smooth shot by holding the camera on the tripod but the shot still turned out shaky and looked very amateur
  • How to make and use split tone effect, how it affects the mood of the footage and how save them as presets
  • The finished project needs to be saved in the correct format so it can be uploaded to YouTube

Things I need to improve filming
  • A macro lens to film the abstract (e.g. glitter) shots 
  • A small tripod for filming the abstract shots, as hand held camera was far too shaky (as I anticipated)
  • A dolly/track which I can borrow from college if I book it out.  I will hire it for more test shots and for the days of filming

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