Tuesday, 18 November 2014


I decided to conduct a survey as part of my audience research.  (Link below)  I only have 9 responses to far but there will be plenty more to come.  I will shortly make a post about the results when I have some more relevant responses.


The first questions of my survey were more general and became more specific towards the last questions.  This way I can eliminate any information that is irrelevant e.g. if the responder doesn't like Rock or Indie and only likes Pop and Dance music then I don't really need to know their preferences for music videos as they are not my target audience.  Conducting the survey in this way helps me to get relevant responses more accurately.

Questions 1 & 2 were about age and gender.  This was to determine the music tastes that were most common among certain age groups and genders, and to establish any certain patterns between these three factors.  For example, if females were a big part of my target audience and their specific preferences were different to those of males, then I would want to try to appeal to females more than males in order to make my product more successful.

In questions 3 & 4 I asked about the responder's favourite genres of music and their favourite artists.  I did this mainly because genre can be a fairly fluid and subjective thing, for example there are a lot of different styles of artists in 'pop' and, more importantly to my specific research, many different interpretations about the definition of 'Alternative Rock' and 'Indie Pop'; the two main genre audiences to which I am trying to appeal.  Asking about their favourite artists gives me a more clear picture of exactly what type of music they like, therefore how much I should consider their preferences when it comes to appealing to my audience.

Question 5 asked about how the responder watches music videos.  The answers help me to decide how would be best to distribute my product in order to appeal to my target market.

6-10 asked about their personal preferences in music videos so I can determine exactly what my target audience likes and dislikes in music videos.  I also asked about the most memorable music videos they had seen.  This will tell me about the kind of things that my target audience finds memorable in music videos, which is something I want to strive to achieve with my product.  A memorable music video is a successful one because if people remember the music video they also will remember the song.  Therefore, the music video was a successful promotional tool.

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