Tuesday 25 November 2014

"Lens Whacking" - Close up shots, light leaks etc.

This is a tutorial on lens whacking, a technique used to get extreme close-up shots in focus, create artistic light-leak effects on the footage and have a double plane of focus.
This technique will be very useful to be because some of my shots require extreme close-ups, and some of the dreamy hallucinations. I already addressed the issues of focusing on close-up subjects e.g. glitter in water when filming my test shots.  I initially thought that I would need to use a macrolens to achieve these types of shots.  However, with lens whacking technique, all I have to do is take the lens off my camera and focus manually.  I will experiment with this technique and post a few test shots.

This shot in the tutorial has inspired me in the direction of my character's hallucinations.  I could have a shot of my protagonist in the foreground, and a shot of the daughter in the background, still in focus, implying that she's visible in the character's peripheral line of vision.  Then, the little girl could run away/disappear as the protagonist turns to look at her, and the focus will quickly shift to only the protagonist, creating a sense of isolation.   This will probably be quite difficult to achieve so I will need to practise this shot.  However, if I can pull it off it will hopefully achieve the effect that I want, and will create a visually striking shot.

Here is an example of the dream like effect that this technique creates.

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